Shraddha embarked on her journey with Nature Trust in 2024, driven by a lifelong passion for nature conservation cultivated during her upbringing in India. Inspired by shows like Bear Grylls' Man vs. Wild she nurtured her fascination with the natural world from a young age.
Her academic pursuits aligned seamlessly with her passion. In 2015, she earned a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, followed by a Master of Science in Wildlife and Management in 2017. Throughout her studies, she actively engaged in diverse wildlife conservation research projects, including tiger monitoring, human-elephant conflict mitigation, and leopard monitoring projects.
In 2021, Shraddha expanded her horizons by moving to Canada to pursue a Master's in Forest Conservation at the University of Toronto. Following her academic endeavors, she delved into practical conservation work as the Tree Steward Lead with the Long Branch Neighborhood Association. In this role, she spearheaded urban tree inventory initiatives, crafted urban forest plans, and advocated for the importance of urban forestry through education and awareness campaigns.
Joining the Nature Trust signifies another significant step in Shraddha's career journey. Her unwavering commitment to replenishing and preserving nature remains the driving force behind her endeavors.