What you can do today to protect tomorrow
Think back to your childhood and the places where you learned about the natural world. How many are still remain today? With growing population and urban sprawl, some children will never know what wilderness is unless we take steps to protect the special places we have now. This is where planned giving and you come in.
Planned giving is a flexible way to make a donation to the Nature Trust that best suits your needs and leaves a lasting legacy of conservation in New Brunswick. In most cases, it is a contribution that you make arrangements for now to give at some point in the future. It can be a bequest in your will that allows you to continue to enjoy your financial freedom during your lifetime. It can also be a gift of a life insurance policy for which you may receive an immediate tax benefit. There are many possibilities and ways to structure your planned gift that benefits you, your family and land conservation.
As with any type of financial planning, we strongly recommend that you speak with your financial or legal adviser regarding your options, so that you can make a decision that takes into account your financial needs. The Nature Trust encourages you to contact us if you have arranged for a planned gift to our organization, or if you are considering such a donation. We would love to connect with you to help you make a legacy for nature protection in New Brunswick.
Every gift to the Nature Trust of New Brunswick will help ensure that the most special places in New Brunswick are conserved — in all of their natural beauty — forever.
A bequest is a simple, effective, and popular way to make a planned gift. A bequest can be a sum of money, stocks, bonds, or a portion of your estate; you can also bequeath land in your will. Bequests provide you with the opportunity to express your values, while making a generous gift and maintaining your financial security.
A bequest is easy. Simply call your lawyer and notify him or her that you would like to make the Nature Trust a beneficiary in your will. Your lawyer will then make the required changes. By arranging a bequest to the Nature Trust, your estate may receive a substantial tax benefit, depending on the size of the gift, as charitable donations generate tax credits.
A planned gift can be as easy as making a pledge or written commitment to the Nature Trust. This allows you the opportunity to make a larger gift over a period of time. Pledging provides the Nature Trust with a reliable source of funds to help with our conservation efforts. By making a pledge to the Nature Trust, you will have the flexibility to change or cancel your support at any time. You will receive a charitable tax receipt at the beginning of each year for the total amount you contributed the previous year. Please contact us for more information on making a pledge.
A gift of a life insurance policy is a great option if you wish to make a larger contribution than you would otherwise be able to make. It is also very easy to arrange. Simply donate an existing life insurance policy and name ‘The Nature Trust of New Brunswick, Inc.’ as the owner and beneficiary of the policy. You can then make arrangements with the Nature Trust as to how the payments will be made.
Many people choose to make a donation, which the charity will use to pay the premiums. There are two benefits to this option. You receive a tax receipt for the fair market value of the policy. You also receive a tax receipt for any premiums you continue to pay on the policy.
To arrange a gift of life insurance, call your insurance provider and he or she will walk you through each step. The provider will also advise you on which type of arrangement will best benefit you and your family. If you donate an existing policy, your gift can be arranged without much delay.
If you are interested in making a donation that will allow you to make a gift now, but provides you with the advantage of making the most of your tax credits, then a donation of appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds may be your best option. Normally when you sell securities, you are taxed on 50 per cent of your capital gain, whereas when you donate your securities to any charitable organization, you will not be taxed on those profits.
To receive the full tax benefit, the securities must be transferred to the charity of your choice. They cannot be sold first. Upon completion of the gift, you will receive a tax receipt for the total fair market value of the securities. Depending on the market value of the security, your tax benefit could be thousands of dollars.
All you need to do is provide your financial advisor with the Nature Trust’s account information, as well as which shares and how many of them you would like to donate. It only takes these few simple steps to complete the transfer.
Conserving the natural landscape of New Brunswick is part of the commitment the Nature Trust has made to protecting ecologically significant areas for future generations. Taking on this monumental task is only possible with the support of landholders who want to contribute their legacy to conservation in the province.
The Nature Trust is pleased to assist any landholder to plan for the permanent protection of natural lands in New Brunswick. Visit our Conservation Options page for more information on donating land.
For more information about your planned giving options with the Nature Trust of New Brunswick, click the link below to access our Planned Giving Guide.
Interested in speaking with someone about planned giving? Please contact our |Communications and Engagement Manager, Jon MacNeill, below or call (506) 457-2398.