Investing in Nature
Dr. Isobel Ralston and Dr. Jan Oudenes are ambitious naturalists. Together, they established the MapleCross Fund which has a mission "to protect and restore Canada's natural environment by supporting organizations engaged in land conservation." They supported the Nature Trust's campaign to protect 372 hectares (920 acres) on Ross Island this year. Thanks to a generous pledge from the MapleCross Fund, the Keiko & Errol Nature Preserve on Ross Island was created, bringing the Nature Trust to over 10,000 acres of conserved land in New Brunswick, a milestone achievement in our 34-year history.
Dr. Jan Oudenes and Dr. Isobel Ralston, MapleCross Fund
Isobel and her family immigrated to Ontario from the United Kingdom when she was about three years old. She recounts her love for nature being passed down from her parents, who took their family camping across the country. It is through this exploration of Canada's picturesque landscapes, she says, that she became aware of the marvels of nature, and of the beauty and the uniqueness of various areas.
Originally from the Netherlands, Jan jokes that he came to Canada for three things: to study a bit of chemistry, to see the mountains in Alberta, and to learn how to speak English, which is still an ongoing project in his own words. Science and the Rocky Mountains inspired his passion for nature and conservation. Jan recounts that it was upon reading the Club of Rome's report, "The Limits to Growth," during his post-secondary studies that he first vividly recognized the importance of protecting nature. "There was nature and it was in danger of being diminished." He adds that coming to Canada, the mountains of Alberta were awe-inspiring.
The pair met while completing their PhDs in chemistry at the University of Alberta. Together, they have travelled the world and explored some of the most beautiful natural sights, from hiking in the Rocky Mountains and canoeing in Ontario and the Northwest Territories, to cycling in Europe.
Isobel and Jan retired from their respective professional careers in 2017, after exiting their successful pharmaceutical businesses. Looking to give back, they saw a need for funding in conservation efforts across the country, thus establishing the MapleCross Fund.
"[We] saw the shrinking of the natural spaces in Canada, particularly those areas where there's significant biodiversity. So, we set out to give back to society, namely to nature," said Jan.
Since then, Isobel and Jan have been, as they refer to it, investing in nature.
Their first investment in nature was with the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust in Ontario. Their objective, however, was more ambitious than giving locally.
"We wanted to extend ourselves across the country and not just in our little backyard of Aurora, Ontario," said Isobel.
At present, they have generously donated to a multitude of land conservation organizations in eight of the ten Canadian provinces. The Conserve Y(our) NB: Protect Ross Island campaign was their first partnership in New Brunswick.
This new endeavour has been an exciting one for Jan and Isobel
"We're having a lot of fun with it, for we get to meet a great number of bright people who have an interest in doing this work. So, we feel part of the larger community now. It's also important for us that the land conservation community grows... We have a wonderful opportunity, and we feel blessed that we can do this," said Jan.
Their decision to make the pivotal gift in the campaign to protect Ross Island was both scientific and emotional. Their consultant, Ian Buchanan, raved about the island and the surrounding area for its beauty and ecological significance. Isobel had fond memories of camping along the Bay of Fundy as a child. She recalled seeing the mist rolling in off the ocean and the eeriness about it being so incredible.
Ultimately, Jan and Isobel said they relied on the enthusiasm of the Nature Trust team and Mr. Buchanan's expertise to make their first investment in New Brunswick’s nature legacy. Their generous gift led to the protection of the critical Keiko & Errol Nature Preserve on Ross Island. With their help, the Nature Trust also surpassed an exciting milestone in its 34-year history: the conservation of over 10,000 acres of land in New Brunswick.
"As far as wildlife is concerned, the 10,000 acres that you're protecting is providing an area and, at least a chance, for a lot of threatened and endangered species or species at risk, to regroup, to breathe, to breed, to get back on track … So I'm hoping that bit by bit, hectare by hectare, that we'll begin to be able to provide space for restoration of both flora and fauna," said Isobel.
For this reason, Isobel and Jan say they partner with organizations like the Nature Trust; to ensure that the biodiversity they help protect is conserved, restored, and may thrive again.
"We feel very privileged to be in partnership with you and other New Brunswickers as well,” said Isobel. “We thank you for all that you're doing to preserve Ross Island, those 10,000 acres, and any other parts you're going to get involved in the near future. So good luck to you. We appreciate your work."
Thank you to Isobel and Jan, and MapleCross, for investing in nature in New Brunswick. Thank you to the hundreds of supporters who gave generously and raised awareness. With your help, the Keiko & Errol Nature Preserve on Ross Island is now protected, forever.
Ross Island Western Beach, Photo by Bethany Young.